Saturday 27 June 2009

Thunder and Lightening!

As the title states. Down south in the UK (Dorset) its been a change from the norm and we've had some nice weather. And of course off the back of that nice weather and heat comes a storm and it was a real nice one as well.

Luckily the Panasonic HDCSD100 (and its brothers and Sisters like the HDC-SD20K) all feature a stunning little mode called 'Pre-Record' which buffers around 6 seconds of video onto your SD-Card (or HDD if you went for that option). It does what it says on the Tin, quite obviously pre-record, one enabled makes sure you don't miss a beat (or your mate falling flat on his face after a few beers, a perfect example of this being the Stonehenge video coming next week).

Another prime example being the capture of this electric storm. As soon as i saw the flash all i had to do was simply hit record; and it gave some fantastic results. Have a look for yourself:

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Question from 'Danny Digital'

I received this Question From Vimeo User Danny Digital regarding the Miny 35mm Vibrating DOF adapter from

Here is my Honest and Frank Response.

Conversation with Danny Digital

saw you got the miny 35mm dof. which one did you get and do you recommend it? 

Hi There. I ordered the Vibrating DOF with ACHROMAT. 

I wouldnt recommend any of them, it was of poor build quality and the ground glass focusing screen seemed as if it was about 20 Micron, had loads of noise on it (they custom make them and they are not very impressive at all when using high def cameras) The vibrating part, which is a motor with a small weight on the end (much like you would find in you PS2 controller) was not much better.The motor decided to spin at different speed Despite changing batteries a number of times presuming it was that!

The Motor then span out of control, so much so that the GG holder was hitting the side of the extension tube uncontrollably. Rendering it useless.

Then, to top it all off the wire attached to the battery case fell off (was soldered on really poorly).

In summery. DO NOT BUY ONE!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, i know they are cheap, but that is for a good reason. 'Buy Cheap, Buy Twice'

And I've had to do exactly that.

On the good side, i did get a refund (apart from shipping, so i lost £20!).

If your looking for a DOF adapter in the same price bracket may i recommend

They offer a range of DOF adapters to suit price ranges. 

Mine is in the post as we speak. I can give you a review once i receive it if you wish.
